
Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Misadventures with Compact Flourescents

The problem is that they die...  They die a lot.

Granted, everyone knows that CFL's are subject to how many full cycles they go through.  So a light in a high traffic area isn't going to last as long as one that stays on for some time.  Flicking them on and off will shorten their lives.

I haven't completey done the math, but in total I have exactly 50 CFL's in my house.  In the span of 5 years I have had to replace 22 of these lights.  That's a 44% failure rate within the span specified on the box, which is normally 7 years.  Taking that into account, the overall failure rate prior to the advertised lifespan is quite substantial.  I'm starting to hate these things, my overall perception is that it may even cost me more as the up front costs haven't come down enough to make them easily affordable.

I find that I go longer with a burnt out CFL than I ever did with incandescents mainly because I'm usuall forced into buying them in packs of 6 at about $18 - $20 a pack.  No, thanks.

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